Montag, 24. März 2008

Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss

Another gay movie......
This one did what so many do. Started out nicely, though quite cliché but the end sucked.
Loser meets pretty straight boy, they become friends and their feelings seem to deepen. Will they become a couple? I'll spoil you - please forgive me - no, they won't.
Sweet, cute, funny but I hate it when a not so popular and a very hot guy seem to get together but at some point the hottie prefers to be an idiot and turn his back on the onther one. I mean, come on, endings like that are for difficult movies, not for comedic stuff. Especially when the movie's aim seems to be to show the development of the seemingly straight boy which leeds to a relationship with the other one. A light, funny and quite cliché movie wants to have it's cute cliché ending!
In this one the main character doesn't end up with anyone but with success as a photographer. I don't know if the profucers tried to convey that he learned a valuable lesson. If they did they failed to convey what that esson should have been.
In the end you're just left with a bid of disappointment and a bunch of unresolved plots.
And there is hardly mild m/m romance! few seconds of mild touching, a kiss and that's that.
Might sound a bit bitchy but I should probably have expected that from an actor from the straightest gay sitcom there is.

Samstag, 22. März 2008

My Movie Night

Wednesday night I felt the sudden urge to find myself some m/m action on the web. Don't worry, it's not porn I'm talking about. My gay porn days are (mostly) over.
What I found, after getting my updates on Hollyoaks, were two movies:
The Trip
The Conrad Boys

I enjoyed both of them but let me start by describing The Conrad Boys.
This movie tells the story of two boys who tragically lose their mother while their father left the family years ago to protect them from his alcoholism. The older brother, Michael, is 19 and does his best to take care of litte Ben. Yet he's still a kid himself, very quiet and struggling to find his own identity. That's when he meets 22 year old rogue Jordan. Jordan is funny and charming but doesn't appear very trustworthy. Still he and Michael quickly turn from friends to lovers.
At the same time Ben and Michael's dad returns. He quit drinking and wants to take his responsability as a father, especially since the boys' mother died. Michael hast trouble trusting him but when he helps him as Jordan gets into trouble for a crime he comitted in the past their relationship becomes closer.
In the end everything turns out fine between everyone. Michael and Ben get along with their dad who now helps raise Ben. Therefor Michael is now free to grow up himself and have fun. Jordan has to leave town but he tells Michael that he loves him and that despite his bad reputation had always been honest with him ~~~
What I liked abou this movie were the cute scenes between Jordan and Michael and the fairly happy ending. What I didn't like was Michael. I think the actor didn't really know what he was doing. All of his moods looked identic and his smile was quite annoying.
Jordan was good looking but still he was hard to grasp because his actios and words didn't always make sense.
Over all it was a quite sweet movie that had its moments but the cast could have been better.

Now for The Trip .....
The Trip starts back in the seventies where young journalist Alan meets Tommy, a nice and good looking gay who's very enthusiastic about defeding gay rights. Alan is writing about the history of homosexuality and would like to interview Tommy for the book. They meet a few times and soon there's more than just a bit of sexual tension between them. As Alan finally accepts that he's gay they form a cute little couple.
The only problem is that four years into the relationship Alan's book is published. He wrote it while he was struggling with his sexuality and it turned out to become a hate book. It's now being published because the fight between the gay community and conservative forces has become pretty intense. It's first published anonymously but Alan's friend and mentor Peter betrays him behind his back. These events lead to Tommy's and Alan's breakup. Tommy moves to Mexico. Alan turns to Peter for support and they become a couple while Alan becomes one of America's most popular gay activists. Alan and Peter's relationship soon turns boring and Peter claims great authority over Alan. That changes when his ex-girlfriend Beverly gives Alan Tommy's adress and tells him he's sick and needs someone to take him home to Austin to see his parents.
So Alan goes and picks Tommy up which leads to them taking a roadtrip through Mexico. Tommy tells Alan that he never stopped loving him and they seem to grow cloaser again. But shortly before they reach the American border Tommy dies from his illness. Alan is devastated and after his return to the States he decied to make their story a book. ~~~
The first thing I'd like to say about this movie is that I loved it!
It wasn't great, deep, innovative cinema but it was sweet, funny and very touching. Alan and Tommy are pretty sexy on their own and together and they are pretty hot. And SO funny and sweet *pinches their cheeks* I burst into laughter quite a few times and probably woke the neighbors. Apart from the sweetness that are Tommy and Alan there's the obligatory funny sympathetic transvestite. Other good characters were Alan's mom, who claims to have divorced that late because Alan's das was so incredible in bed and Beverly, the ex-girlfriend who seems to try every religion there is.
So, as I said, an adorable movie. The sad ending is, well, sad and especially for gay movies quite a bit cliché but anyway, the humor, the characters and the sweetness definitely make it worth watching!

Mittwoch, 19. März 2008


Hollyoaks gives me warm fuzzies!
They've got such cute and nicely intense storylines, especially for a soap.
Unlike "As the World Turns" with it's current gay kissing ban (because that's the only storyline I care about) and that stupid old bizarre love triangle like thing going on. I'm not even watching anymore since that came on.
But Hollyoaks is lovely. The actors are good and they portray credible characters (well, almost. it's still a soap ;) ). The build up of a storyline happens with fairly little cliché or most of what is cliché is adapted in a way that still makes it fun to watch. You won't always escape the big drama in the end but so many situations before that just make you wanna sigh happily.


Mainz, my love, you have started to bore me!
Recently my feelings for that big old bank metropolis up by the Main have started to become more and more passionate.
Today I caught myself making up poems about its diversity, the architecture and the overall style and atmosphere. And how much I love all of that.
Okay, it's expensive and I got scared walking alongside a park after it got dark. But it makes the old love for huge bustling cities come back.
First you're at a botanical garden, around the next corner you're trapped between the shiny curtain walls of skyscrapers and then you're facing houses that look like someone stole them from the black forrest and put them there.
There's so much activity and culture and style. It may be a bit cold and appear arrogant but I like that.
It conveys high expectations and that motivates me a lot.
I never thought of Frankfurt as a city I could possibly like for its style and atmosphere but almost since I started in Mainz I began feeling home everytime I came to FFM. Even if it was just the main station.
Mainz is a lovely place. But FFM currently totally thrills me!