Montag, 24. März 2008

Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss

Another gay movie......
This one did what so many do. Started out nicely, though quite cliché but the end sucked.
Loser meets pretty straight boy, they become friends and their feelings seem to deepen. Will they become a couple? I'll spoil you - please forgive me - no, they won't.
Sweet, cute, funny but I hate it when a not so popular and a very hot guy seem to get together but at some point the hottie prefers to be an idiot and turn his back on the onther one. I mean, come on, endings like that are for difficult movies, not for comedic stuff. Especially when the movie's aim seems to be to show the development of the seemingly straight boy which leeds to a relationship with the other one. A light, funny and quite cliché movie wants to have it's cute cliché ending!
In this one the main character doesn't end up with anyone but with success as a photographer. I don't know if the profucers tried to convey that he learned a valuable lesson. If they did they failed to convey what that esson should have been.
In the end you're just left with a bid of disappointment and a bunch of unresolved plots.
And there is hardly mild m/m romance! few seconds of mild touching, a kiss and that's that.
Might sound a bit bitchy but I should probably have expected that from an actor from the straightest gay sitcom there is.

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